Wednesday 5 September 2018


43 members gathered at the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre Station for today's hike led by Charles Chaffey. As the hike continued the numbers swelled in excess of 46! 

Waiting in the shade outside the station. Stanley asks Liliane "Are you Covered"

Charles our eminent leader gives everyone succinct details of todays proceedings

Setting off under the hot sun and humid conditions with the temperature feeling like 40+ degrees

Crossing over Highway 7 at Jane Street

Having travelled not too far, a water break at Paradise Banquet Hall was needed due to the heat 

Rosemary's sister Diane, from Vancouver,  joined the group today

"Boughing" out of the Paradise grounds 

Crossing at Jane Street and Interchange Way

Leaving the busy noisy roads we enter into the dead calm of Beechwood Cemetery

Another water break in the welcome shade

Out into the midday sun

"Plotting" our way around the graves

Ann & Diane with the help of the elephants take time to remember their past marathon days together 

A break in the air conditioned Mausoleum to use the facilities

Why are we waiting?

OK pee break over, let's go

Negotiating boggy terrain

Japanese Garden

Leaving Beechwood

Saying goodbye to Vaughan

Hello North York, crossing at Steeles Avenue

Entering York University Campus

 Lunch at the Bergeron Centre

 I say old chap, did you know you have halitosis?

Yours truly pioneering ahead of the party

Taking no risks from the rain by sheltering and wearing ponchos 

Wandering through the Black Creek Pioneer Village

The real purpose of our wandering

Several of us tasted the 3 beers on offer with some liking the IPA and others the Best Bitter. Barry's aperitif turns into an apparition

Tasting over we pick our favourite brew and toast Charles in absentia 

Weary hikers head for home 

Today's record breaking temperature did not deter the core stalwarts of the club. This was possibly due to free admission at Pioneer Village! We must thank Charles for adding a different aspect to his previous hike in the Vaughan area. Thank you to Jewel for volunteering to "Sweep" and a welcome back to Liliane after a short absence taking up her counting duties once more.

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