Thursday 27 September 2018


It was an evening to recognize and show our appreciation for the special members of the Club that volunteer on a continual basis as Hike Leaders. There were 19 leaders that attended, Tony Asrilen, Ann Atkins, Charles Chaffey, Erika Chandler, Donna Dankesreiter, Kevin Doyle, Merel Elinkschuurman, Monica Feran, Barry Henderson, Germaine Kovary, Rene Laukat, Daisy Lazarovits, Jim Mallon, Tonie Norman, Irene Perry, Ilo Puhm, Roger Whiteman, Rosemary Wood & Dorit Zschape. Bobbie Ardell was also recognized for all the work she does collecting cash etc throughout the year. Unfortunately two leaders. Mary Ayers and Claire Bergeron were unable to attend

The "Early Dine" 3 course meal was thoroughly enjoyed by all at the Glow Fresh Bar & Grill. The restaurants ambiance and attentive service contributed to this special evening 

President Puhm gives a heartfelt thank you to the leaders 

Tonie and Erika share a moment

Past President Asrilen give his special thanks too

Definitely not a "Rose between two thorns"

I got my photo taken by Rene just as I was about to take a mouthful of "Nobs" (Brussels) and Kevin considers wether he can eat his steak in on go

Merel, our long standing multi-tasking executive finds time to enjoy the evening. As Secretary, Treasurer and Hike Leader for the Turtles she has dedicated many years to making the Club what it is today

The evening was made extra special by having to Nonagenarians in our midst, Daisy and Erika. This month Erika celebrated her 90th Birthday, cause for a toast to her good health by the group. These two fine Ladies are an inspiration to the members of the Club. If at 90+ they can lead a hike then hopefully more of the "Baby Seniors" will come forward and volunteer

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