Wednesday 26 September 2018


Tony's Hike attracted 51 members, which included the Turtles, for a day at the Beach. Initially the skies threatened rain but the sun won out and it resulted in another glorious Wednesday. Upon the arrival of our fearless leader we gathered in Kew Gardens

Tony mesmerizes the crowd as he speaks about what the day will bring

"Fear not, I will lead you to the promise land, The Stone Lion"

Setting off down to the lake

Passing by students determining the quality of the water in the stream

The Boardwalk was a busy one today

"On your marks"

At the Ivan Forest Gardens

Heading towards Glen Stewart Park

Entering the Glen Stewart Ravine

The trail ahead

"Happy Wanderer"

Talib makes it to the top

Water break after the climb 

A "Bevy" of Beauties

Off we go for some street work down Beech Avenue

Ann & Tony doing the "Military Two Step"

Crossing at Queen Street

A walk around the impressive exterior buildings of the R.C. Harris Water Treatment Plant

Tony imparts his knowledge of the plant constructed on the former site of Victoria Park. Impressively constructed in the "Art Deco" style. It sports the nickname "The Palace of Purification"

The interior where the turbines are housed

"Love on the Rocks"

Back on the Beach

Passing the 100 year old Balmy Beach Club

"Boardwalk Buddies"

Lunch is served

Off we go heading towards Ashbridges Bay

"Steppin' out Stanley"

Many Monarchs flitting about today

Community Garden planted by "Friends of the Beach Parks" to be used for youth cooking camps run by the Beaches Recreational Centre and for the Food Bank at Glen Rhodes United Church

Ashbridges Bay Marina

The boat on the left "Hammertime"is one that Lynn Pashleigh sails

"Landlubbers" pass by the marina

Got it made in the shade

Looking across the Bay to downtown

Fanni on the rocks

 Hiking Buddies, Bobbie, Tonie & Rose

More Monarchs, can you spot the insects?

A sign Summer is over

Leaving the Beach for the pub we spot our last Monarch

The Stone Lion Pub attracted a respectable number of members who realize the goodness of taking the hops after a walk

Rose & Rene say "cheers"

Yours truly enjoying his pint of Smithwicks

Tonie the "Cranberry Queen"

 Barry believes "Guinness is good for you"

Rose reflects on her day


Tony sports his new hairpiece

A distance of 11.5 km was completed 

Thanks to Tony for a most enjoyable walk. The inclusion of viewing the R.C. Harris Water Treatment Plant again was a welcome addition. Thanks Liliane for the count and to Cathy for Sweeping

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