Wednesday 12 September 2018


We had, thankfully, due to several last minute sign ups 38 members for the Bus Hike. In addition Ira & Paul joined the group preferring to drive to the parking lot. Traffic in the city is becoming so congested that relying on the bus to take 30 mins from York Mills to the Islington Beer Store is no longer reality. Add to that the confusion of where to pick up at York Mills by the Bus company results in a 50 min journey between the two points. The Beer Store contingent can be seen boarding the bus

I gave Trevor, our Driver, precise directions on how to reach the parking lot. He was given a different location by his office which seems to be a regular occurrence lately. Merel can be seen leading the charge

After a lengthy time at the washrooms, which was a popular pastime throughout the day, Ann & I gave the group details of the hike emphasizing the elevation changes en route before setting off

The entire group, including the Turtles,  set out along the Trans Canada Trail 

At the intersection of the Trans Canada and Kettle Trails we waited for the Turtles to arrive. They were taking the shorter route along the Kettle Trail

It was hello and goodbye to the Turtles as we continued on

The Celts are seen heading along the Trans Canada Trail

Pausing for Water Break before leaving the Trans Canada and taking the Meadow Trail

Such a peaceful view

From the Meadow Trail we descend on the Bruce Trail towards our lunch spot

The picturesque meadow

Lunch is taken sitting by and listening to the flow of the Credit River

Doug likes to take close ups

Ann snaps a happy picture of the "Grump"

3 Riverscapes (J.Treloar)

I give credit to Rosemary for dipping her feet into the cool water

Lunch over it's time to visit the Washroom

Killing time

We commence the climb up to the Cataract Falls on the Dominion Trail

Doug and Ira not looking too worse for wear after getting to the top

The viewing platform to see the falls is supposedly still under construction. Making it difficult to see them close up. They are aptly named "Cataract Falls"

Esther give us a smile after making the challenging climb

Best view

Getting in line for the descent back to the Washrooms 

Climbing back up to the Meadow Trail along the steep part of the Bruce Trail

Nearly there

 Esther gave it her best by completing both climbs with a stop for a breather on the last one. Tom & Ilo  ensure she's ready for the final push

Pausing to get our breath after tackling the steep climb

Tony is dreaming of his beer as he continues along the Meadow Trail towards the parking lot

Mercedes looking the part with her fashionable wide brimmed hat

Time for a group photo with Kettle Lake in the background

Reflection, Kettle Lake (J.Treloar)

The last leg!

Back at the parking lot and washrooms we meet the Turtles 

Back on the bus as Ann counts everyone to ensure no one is left behind

The route today included an elevation gain of 750 ft

A happy bunch at the St. James Gate Pub. Trevor our bus driver gladly dropped us off close to the pub giving certain members additional time for an extra beer. Ann & I were pleasantly surprised when several of the group paid for Sweet Potato Fries for everyone. Cheers!

Despite the shortish distance of today's hike the added elevation changes provided a challenge equal to a longer hike. Ann & I were pleased with the response by the group. I for one particularly enjoy hiking the Forks of the Credit. It is unique in that you are immersed in the countryside away from any form of civilization. The only sounds you hear are those of the babbling Credit River. A big thanks to Tom for an exemplary job as Sweep of the Day.

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