Wednesday 19 September 2018


Rene led today's alternate hike for those not wishing to venture out of the city or take on a 20 km hike. She has sent to me these photos. I'm not sure if they are in the correct order but go from lunch to the pub. Pub ones are so important. Rene has sent a brief synopsis of her hike which I will include verbatim. 

The alternate hike gang, all 55 of us, were equally blessed with terrific weather though a TTC breakdown en-route had the hike leader, yours truly, arrive at the meet up place to find, to her horror, the place empty! But Liliane appeared to clarify that the ever impatient Seniors had taken off under the self appointed leadership of the ever feisty nonagenarian Daisy. Well, I did catch them up at the entrance to the Beltline where Liliane did a head count and we were off. After leading the gang up the Beltline and across the detoured Eglinton Avenue, I designated Bobbie to take on the leadership towards Cedarvale Ravine and lunch at Loblaws. Meanwhile my aching feet came to rest on the Eglinton West/St.Clair TTC route and onto the cool grass of West Hill Park where I waited for them. Bobbie did a terrific job of shepherding the multi-speed gang to the lunch destination. Looks like a new hike leader is born! After lunch 40 of us continued to Wychwood Barns and south across a number delightful newly discovered parks, i.e. Hill Crest, Marian Engel and the linear Frankel Lambert, ending with a stroll along the eastern periphery of Christy Pitts. 20 of us had fine refreshments at the old Clinton Tavern where my spouse Gary Meier and good beer awaited us along with sweet potato fries enjoyed by all 

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