Wednesday 19 September 2018


A new record breaking hike courtesy of the Brothers Puhm, Ilo and Aare. Aare living in the area assisted in leading 12 valiant members on the club's longest walk from Oshawa to Whitby

4 of us resting up on the Go Train

Arriving at the end of line at the Oshawa Go Station

Meeting the other members in the new station building which sorely misses a coffee shop

Hans & Patricia were delayed so we wait around for the 11:16 am train to arrive

Patricia makes a grand entrance

We set off along Bloor Street which eventually turned out to be a "Blistering Pace" for me!

The last part of having to walk along the boring street as we cross the bridge overlooking the Oshawa Creek

Taking the path south following the Creek

Aare about to pat Patricia on the head

Up the Creek

It's salmon fishing season. This smart school are seen hiding under the bridge away from the fisherman further downstream

Where are they?

Taking the Valley Drive path

Crossing Valley Drive

Heading into Lakeview Park for lunch

Bottom right the yellow arrow notes our spot on the trail

Toilets before tucking in

A picturesque Gazebo

Setting off in different directions

The lake looking west

The lake looking east

"The long and short of it"

Walking along there were numerous Monarch Butterflies flitting around

Eventually I managed to snap a few

Crossing the marsh on the boardwalk

Lots of colour along the path

Barry "The Wine Guy" thinks he died and gone to heaven as he poses in front of the giant LCBO warehouse

Contented having seen heaven Barry moves on

Ilo admires the marshland

It looks like the distance is taking its toll as much needed water is taken

We passed several of these mounds made from slag from a steel mill  

After a short break we continue on

Down by the Whitby beach. This was the final photo of the walk. My feet were killing me

The map shows a record walk, distance wise, for the club

The pub was welcome sight and turned out to be a "good 'un" with excellent wait service. Another first, I was the last person to reach the the pub! I'd been hobbling along for several kilometres 

This makes walking 19 km worthwhile? Cheers Ilo & Aare

Excellent deals at the pub on selected beers

Not a pretty picture but the blisters are a result of not wearing suitable footwear.

Waiting for the 5:07 pm Go Train

Happy to be onboard

Having a good "old natter" Mary misses her stop

Despite my foot problem I'm sure everyone enjoyed the experience of the long distance walk. The scenic waterfront trail helped to melt away the kilometres. We all agree the walk led by the Brothers Puhm is definitely a keeper for those in the club welcoming an extra challenge  

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