Wednesday 29 August 2018


The meeting point for today's Seniors' Hike was at Country Style at the corner of Kipling Ave and West Humber Blvd

Crossing Kipling Avenue on the start of a hot humid day

Tony, the consummate car hiker

Down the hill to the West Humber Trail

Monica, today's leader, stands resplendent on her makeshift pulpit

Monica preaches to her congregation of 28 sinners who vow to repent and share the path

Off along the trail

Those at the back did not repent!

Crossing the Humber River

Time for a water break. It sure was a "sticky one"

Our route takes under the flight path into Pearson 

Colourful graffiti under the Highway 27 Bridge

We pause to view the 9/11 Memorial dedicated to the Fireman. Under the current political mood the words of "United We Stand" are somewhat strained

On we go with Kevin already looking forward to his beer!

A stop to close ranks

It's downhill from here

Humber College coming into view

It's into the woods we go

After climbing the hill a welcome break and a opportunity for a group photo

We set off to view the colourful plants and flowers situated around the college

Lunch time and Mohammad contemplates sharing his orange

Mary sits alone hoping for a piece

Lunch over we take a walk through the grounds

"The Hills Are Alive" with Seniors'

An unruly mob cross the playing field

Monica takes the group on an obstacle course

Mary playing for Ireland takes a shot on goal

Evelyn in goal for Scotland let's one in

 Hallelujah,  Monica sees the light

And takes us on a bushwhacking adventure. Unfortunately the path ran out 

Bobbie looking "cool"

Tony looking Bamboozled

Back to where we started

Passing by the Humberwood Centre

Discovering where we've been

Up the hill leading to the end of the hike

Yours truly snapped by Ann

At Mr Greek we thank Monica and toast to our absent friend, Kevin. He caused a draft as he hightailed out of the restaurant unhappy with the service and selection

Despite the heat we had another one of Monica's enjoyable hikes. The trail, the gardens and the woods provided the day with variety. Thanks to Charles for Sweeping in his Australian colours and to Tony for doing the math.

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