Wednesday 8 August 2018


Today's Senior Hike was on the Islands including the Club's Annual Picnic at the Sunshine Centre 

Not many members came in time to catch the planned 11:00 am ferry to Hanlon's Point. Upon contacting Ann I learned that there were significant delays on the subway due to fires, floods and signal problems requiring the use of shuttle buses

May Cleaver was patiently waiting for Ann who had her ferry ticket. She took the delay in her stride

Others debated to stay and wait but opted to go ahead to Hanlon's Point

By 11:30 am the remaining members came in time to catch the ferry to Centre Island. This caption should have read "trains, boats and planes" but due to the unreliability of the TTC, the trains are missing. What's new!

Finally on board with smiling faces while Helen works on the next set of minutes!

Stanley loves to sit down

Tonie's back in business having completed her move to the Beach

Approaching the dock

Donna, today's leader, explains the revised itinerary due to the delays, resulting in a much shorter walk to the Sunshine Centre

And off we go with parts of the island waterlogged from the recent storms

Crossing "a bridge not to far" to lunch

A pleasant walk through the plantings 

Enjoying each others company

Down on the Boardwalk

The forecast was for a cooler day with temperatures around 25 degrees. It sure felt hotter with the humidity 

A misty day on the lake

The following is known as "Nonsense Verse" and was written by Christopher Isherwood
"The common Cormorant or Shag
Lays eggs inside a paper bag
The reason you will see no doubt
Is to keep the lightning out
But what these unobserved birds
Have never noticed is that herds
Of wandering Bears may come with buns
And steal the bags to hold the crumbs"

We had to put up with a lot of nonsense today!

Daisy at the Sunshine Centre on a mission for her burger trying to beat the rush of 46 hungry Seniors' 

The Vegetarian option!

As always a friendly greeting by the Sunshine Staff. They are indeed so attentive and caring for Seniors'

Time for water melon

Stanley's contented with water and ketchup

A table with some of the Club's longstanding members

A rare photo of Charles without a hat!

Michael makes up for being without Dana by sitting with his other lady friends

The view from the Wards Island Marina

Ann & I left the Sunshine Club and met up with Betty Hart coming the other way. It was obvious the poor lady was tiring so we arranged for the golf cart to come and pick her up

On the way to the pub I shot this pic capturing a reflection in usual light

Ann shot this pic of an usual fellow

This pub, the Upper Deck, is perhaps my favourite watering hole. Mainly because of the location, the view and the friendly service. An added bonus today was two free Steam Whistles for Ann and I. The bartender said they were already paid for! We never found out who paid

Cheers! to Donna

Donna did us proud having to change plans last minute and be subjected to the heat and humidity which is not something she enjoys. 

These two, however, relish heat, humidity and emptying beer bottles & glasses

Another interesting shot taken from the Upper Deck dock

In retrospect we had an interesting day. The TTC issues made it a more memorable one and by the time we said goodbye it became clear. as always, another enjoyable outing. I did not produce a distance map this time due to a very short walk and my forgetfulness 

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