Thursday 23 August 2018


Today's Bus Hike turned out to be an interesting one. The Islington participants can be seen waiting for the bus outside of the Beer Store. Little did they know their bus ride would "Drive them to Drink"

The bus driven by Dennis eventually arrived from the first pick up at York Mills. Instead of exiting at Mississauga Rd Dennis continued on the QEW to Erin Mills Parkway! He was confused between Erindale Park and Erin Mills Parkway despite the destination being booked as Erindale Park. After I took control of the navigation process we dropped 3 of the Turtles at Ringwood and proceeded to Erindale Park 

Due to the extended journey several of the group were desperate to use the brand new facilities in the Park

Germaine used her time to squat outside

Ann & I led 23 members heading north along the Culham Trail beside the Credit River

Rose takes the initiative

The swollen Credit River after yesterday's rain

Evelyn & Patricia sport their new hair dos with the windswept look

We pause to examine one of the most damaging of invasive plants, Phragmites. Original from Eurasia it takes over the wetland areas crowding out the natural species

We met the Turtles coming from Ringwood on their way to have lunch by the river and then onto Erindale Park

Puddle jumping

Taking the Red Trail up to Ringwood

No it's not a mass need for the outdoor toilet but a detour around the large puddle

Commencing the climb up to our lunch spot

The last leg

Before Yoshi could swallow her food we were kicked off the picnic tables by the Ringwood Staff. There was a children's programme which due to child safety did not allow us to be in the vicinity! It's certainly a sign of times when everyone is treated as a threat. We finished our lunch scattered around the gardens 

Do these friendly Seniors' look like child molesters?

Garden views

Discussion at the Sensory Garden

Bird Spotting

We ignored the sign above having had our fill of rules and regulations

Taking the Green Trail 

We stop to examine the Pine Sanctuary

Stepping down to make our way back to the Park

Toni was the diligent Sweep urging those at the rear to soldier on

Rose & Tony below the Dam Wall. The area was flooded in 1902 and the Dam provided electric power. It was demolished in 1954 and the Credit River was relocated to it's present location 

Viewing the history of the area on top of the Dam Wall

Boarding the bus for another interesting route selection on the part of our driver. The good news was we did not leave anybody behind this year!

A shorter walk this week but it had it's entertaining moments

The circuitous tour of Etobicoke by "Dennis the Menace" did eventually drive everyone to drink at the St. James Pub

Evelyn can be seen getting into the "sauce" in readiness for her Birthday celebration tomorrow

Thanks to Ann and Merel for taking care of the administration etc etc. Toni for Sweeping and Ira for counting outside of the toilets.

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