Wednesday 31 July 2019


A beautiful day for a ride up to Sibbald Point on Lake Simco. After Merel and Ann had checked everyone in we had more riders than we had seats!

Fortunately we managed to fit all 49 bottoms in before leaving York Mills

Ann and I were today's leaders. Ann can be seen undeterred as the tree grows an extra arm and Sam plays mahjong on his phone

Merel assembles the Turtles for their walk through the woods

What did Agnus do wrong?

The Hares set off for St. George's Church

Passing by an old Ontario Home

We reach the Church and explore the Cemetery

Two notable Canadians are buried in the Cemetery, Mazo de la Roche and Stephen Leacock

Picturesque view of Lake Simcoe from the Cemetery

Heading back we take the Heritage Walk

The walk leads to the Museum

In the grounds we view a Weeping Ash that is 160 years old

We are soon back at the starting point for lunch

Eventually the Turtles arrive and warn us about the bugs in the woods 

After lunch we decide to stick to the gravel road leading to the Campsites to avoid the bugs for our afternoon circular hike

With the hike completed it's time for Ice Cream at the Park Store

The beach looks so inviting

Some took a swim while these ladies settled for a paddle

Around 3 pm we boarded the bus and head back to York Mills and a few thirsty types head to the Garden Restaurant for refreshments

A short hike today but everyone seem to enjoy the park and its surroundings. Bernie our bus driver was the consummate professional

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