Wednesday 17 July 2019


Today was somewhat unique. Weather-wise we experienced rain throughout and the morning and hot and humid conditions in the afternoon. The July schedule gave the members a choice of three different Hikes. Norma Chapman's Turtle Hike, Jim Mallon's Ajax to Pickering Hike and Mary Ayer's Literary Trail Hike

Norma had requested I join her Turtle Hike. 5 waterproofed Turtles met at Loblaw's at St. Clair West

We set off heading south down Sir Winston Churchill Park

At Dupont & Davenport

Reaching the Annex Norma pointed out a number of interesting facts and historical markers

Rocky lives in an upscale accommodation

Some famous people lived in this area which is now Taddle Creek Park

The vessel is made from 4 km of steel rods representing the distance of the creek down to the lake

Reaching Yorkville, which years ago was a seedy part of town in contrast to today's up market tourist destination

Time for lunch and to meet up with Mary Ayer's group for lunch

After lunch I joined Mary's Literary Hike, a new one for the Club imparting a spot of culture for the 24 participating members. Mary led the group to 4 points which were part of the CanLit Trail. These were specific permanent sites created from imagined stories that take place in real locations. The following photos were taken by Rene Laukat and Paul Munk

Taddle Creek Park (again)

Jug heads!

This was where I read one of the readings

 The hike ended in Little Italy on College near Ossington. We basked in the air conditioning of the Sicilian Sidewalk Cafe. A neat establishment serving beer and ice cream etc.

Jim's 13 km hike along the waterfront trail attracted 10 long distance walkers. They encountered a few swarms of mosquitoes but fortunately a lot less rainfall than the hikes in the city. The hike terminated at the Pickering Go Station where 10 survivors were treated to cheap beers at the Irish Times Pub (photo's from Marcella deAngel)

Eat your heart out Tony Asrilen!

Thanks to all three hike leaders for providing a varied choice to everyone. Thanks to those that provided additional photos. A special thanks to Mary for researching and planning a "novel" and unique experience

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