Wednesday 3 July 2019


Another hot and humid day for 53 Seniors to stretch their legs through some of Toronto's scenic parks. Kevin reversed his usual role of Sweeping taking the reins as today's Leader.

The meeting point was the grounds of the Northern Secondary School at the corner of Mt. Pleasant Road and broadway Avenue

And her comes our Leader

We took the short walk to the entrance of Sherwood Park where Jim patiently waits

Kevin gathers the group around him for today's itinerary

Kevin turns up the volume to improve his hearing

A variety of fungi

Into the park we go

Pause for a pee

We follow the Burke Brook

Germaine takes the count

Kevin the "Happy Wanderer" leads the group into Blythewood Ravine park 

Entering Alexander Muir Park

Heading back through Blythewood Ravine Park

The light only shines on the righteous

After walking down Blythewood Road we pause at the Sunnybrook Hospital

We get turned around at the Hospital construction site

We finish our tour of the hospital

 And head down to Sunnybrook Park

There's a mad dash to find a picnic spot with shade

Time to set out 

And climb the hill out of the park

Taking on water and some shade before we tackle the path through Mount Hope Cemetery

Leaving the Cemetery

The hike officially ends at Erskine Avenue and Mt. Pleasant Road

Those that wished to replenish their liquid intake settle for the Granite brewery

Kevin took care of us upfront just like he does when he sweeps. Fortunately the parks provided plenty of shade to keep the participants relatively comfortable making it an enjoyable days outing

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