Wednesday 10 July 2019


Today's forecast called for hot and humid weather but did not deter 46 heat resistant members too brave the elements. 
Waiting for the whistle to blow at the North York Centre resembled a Seniors' takeover of Starbucks

Rosemary, today's leader, led the crowd away before the riot squad was called

Entering the tranquility of York Cemetery

Rosemary give us the "Pose"before...

giving the group the scoop

Liliane back from "Gay Parie" gives us the official count 

Unfortunately not the "Fountain of Youth" but we wish them well

The unique design of the Veterans Memorial

 Liliane guards the grave of Olga Alexandrovna Romanovthe youngest child of Czar Alexander III

Rosemary offers Tim a "Tall Americano"

Crossing over Senlac Road to the second section of York Cemetery

Dying from heat in the Cemetery!

Got it made in the shade except for bloody mosquitoes

Water break in Burnett Park

Head down going up hill in Earl Bales Park

Lunch in the Community Centre

At least Jim's happy

What's your number?

Dining outside

We meet up with the Turtles

Rosemary assembles the troups

Into the woods with Mrs. Woods

Scotland ahead of Ireland by half a step

Water break in the woods

Mercedes & Peter pose complete with their glasses

Out of the woods we go

Preparing to go down the hill

 "The Dog Days of Summer"

Baling out of the Park

Doris shows us a new trail through Addington Greenbelt

Gotta love the hat (and the wearer)

Out of the woods and on to the termination of the hike and the Pub for some

Well needed refreshments at the Frog before we croak!

Patricia shows Tonie the Egyptian Pose

Rosemary with Matt beside her sharing a cider

Not an exceptional distance covered today but an admirable one based upon the heat and humidity feeling like 30+ degrees on the trail. Rosemary imparted her usual charm taking care of her charges. Thanks to Kevin and Liliane back on the job of Sweep and Counter respectively. Thank you Rene for providing some of the Pub pics

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