Wednesday 14 August 2019


Barry and I arrived in plenty of time at Edwards Gardens to view the "ZimSculpt" collection of stone sculptures brought from the Zimbabwean Mountains. Below are a few of the many on display

Not my usual stone faced expression

Today's hike attracted 11 Turtles and 60 Hares. Normally the challenge is to go the distance. Lately, the challenge has been getting to the start of the hike on time due to construction, diversions, road closures and TTC delays. Line 1 is especially bad. The Turtles could walk faster!

Today's Leaders Merel & Tony give me the evil eye

No such thing from this happy bunch

No this is not a stone sculpture of our leader

Tony giving the group the order of play

Setting off

Liliane taking the count

Crossing the wedding bridge

We spot a deer in the woods

Leaving Edwards Gardens and entering Wilket Creek Park

Looking "up the creek"

Climbing the Steps to Salonica Road

Getting our second wind and a water break

Down the road to Sunnybrook Park

Crossing back into Wilket Creek Park

Another water break by the toilets

Parvin checks out the weight of Jill's Camino Backpack

Making our way towards lunch with Doris the Birthday Girl

Time to decide on an Alfresco lunch or a Cafeteria style?

Meeting up with The Turtles for lunch at the Ontario Science Centre

These folks have style, cafeteria style

No photos please

Afternoon walk

Taking a snap of the real Turtles

"Can I get down"?

Which way?

We decide to cross the bridge into Serena Gundy Park. Jill looses a couple of inches in height carrying her Camino Pack

Climbing the ravine

Semi group photo 

Toasting Tony at the Leaside Pub

 Happy Hiking Co-ordinators

A most enjoyable hike despite the rigours of transportation. Big thanks to Tony getting an "A" for his efforts. Liliane a "C" counting. and Kevin a "Z" for being at the end as the Sweep

On Thursday Ann, Barry, Jill and I pre-hiked next weeks Go Hike to Oakville. We were amazed how choppy the lake was due to in shore winds. Click the video to view. We were somewhat disappointed that due to construction half of the downtown area was torn up and fenced off. Unfortunately it will impact part of our route next week, however, it will still be an enjoyable one, especially the Pub!

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