Wednesday 6 March 2019


Today, President Ilo led today's Senior Hike. The bright sunny day disguised the frigid temperatures which hovered around -17 degrees with the wind chill. It did not deter 37 rosy cheeked keeners to enjoy the parks along the Humber River

Before setting off the dreaded icers were recommended for those wishing stay upright

A giant of a man gives the gives the order of the day's proceedings as the group listens attentively

Time for the "Off"

Ilo gives a history lesson. In 1954 Hurricane Hazel caused the Humber River to bursts its banks which tore away the footbridge and re-directed the water through the neighbourhood killing 35 residents

Part of the original bridge

Bridge over the River Humber

Raymore Park is dedicated in memory of Hurricane Hazel's many victims and survivors

Climbing the hill to Scarlett Road

Crossing Eglinton & Scarlett Rd

The loneliness of a long distance leader

Another Park

Tennis Anyone?

Just another snowbank

Trudging through Lambton Woods

Ann and Patricia "square off"

A more tranquil scene

Climbing up the ravine to Royal York Rd

Assembling after lunch at Humbertown Plaza

Gloves on

Colourful Utility Box

The last of the Parks

On with those bloody icers again

Klara T poses for Ann A

"Grainy Grouch"

Memorial to the Fireman who lost their lives during Hurricane Hazel

Ilo's eager to press on. He can smell the Beer

Ice build up on the River

A tricky part near the end of the trail

Pausing up the hill to view the river

A bunch of Old Folks at the Old Mill at the end of the hike 

Todays distance was closer to 10k. My Apple Watch took a rest around Lambton Golf Club

Repairing to the Dark House

 Cheers to Ilo

Evelyn drank 'em under the table 

It turned out to be wonderful winter hike. Ilo received hearty congratulation from one and all. He kept a steady pace avoiding any gaps in the group. Thanks to Charles Chaffey for volunteering as Sweep and to Tony A for attempting the count in French

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