Wednesday 27 March 2019


65 Hares and 10 Turtles packed themselves into the Broadview Station for today's Senior Hike. Thankfully it was bright sunny day with the temperature reaching a barmy 8 degrees

To relieve the congestion in the Station the voluminous group was led to spacious area at the beginning of the trail where Ann held court disseminating the order of the day

Before setting off we say goodbye to the Turtles who were taking a similar but shorter route

Taking the path south through Riverdale Meadow Gardens to Riverdale Park East

Riverdale Park East

Spot of bushwhacking to avoid the mud

Crossing over the DVP and The Don River

Stepping down to the trail

On the Lower Don Recreational Trail

Kevin bring up the rear

Circumventing Corktown Common

"A Thingy"

Crossing Cherry Street into the Distillery

Sober Seniors

 Positioning the wheel for Ann's photo

Love those Seniors

Pausing at Parliament

Marking time at the Market

Chris surrenders to the camera

Double Take


Saying Hi to Ira

Ira gives us a smile back

Basking on Sugar Beach

In tune along Corus Quay

Admiring the Condo design

Unloading raw sugar at the Redpath Plant

Condos: They build 'em

Then they live in 'em

I'd sooner live in one of these

A bunch of "Firkin Drinkers"

Wendy with another exotic drink, a Ginger Bang Bang

Rosy, our new member. A Guinness drinker is always welcome

Having a Presidential Pint

Ilo's Angels

Not a long distance today but an enjoyable one to take in the sights and get some Vitamin D. Thanks to Ann for the Lead. Kevin for the Sweep and Liliane for the Count

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