Wednesday 20 March 2019


Finally a day to relish as the temperature soared to 10 degrees for today's Senior Hike, however, that pesky ice was still around in certain spots. 

A good place to have a cuppa java before heading to the meet up point

33 "West End Girls" and Boys joined todays leader Claire. Unfortunately 4 other Girls were delayed by the TTC and agreed to catch up on the trail

Crossing the parking lot to the trail

Careful down the steps

Claire greets everyone and explains the trail conditions and where lunch will be taken

Off we go heading south along the Elmcrest Creek Trail

Over the grass to avoid the ice on the path

It's not too long before the icers come out

On they go while Ann offers a prayer to the Hiking Gods

Crossing Bloor & Markland Roads

Kevin "The Sweep bringing up the Dears"

"Onward Christian Soldiers"

Now you need them icers

A bridge not too far

The Elmcrest Creek

Up the hill to the Neilson Park Creative Centre

Time to view the artwork and have a pee

Here the ladies admire the artwork

Rose looking artsy

Rene in a seating pose

Jane with her back to a colourful tapestry

With an appreciation for the arts and an empty bladder we leave the Centre

Evelyn & Tonie, two of those delayed, catch up with the main group

Retracing our steps back to the starting point we pass this picturesque side trail

Evelyn & Tonie back into the fold

Back at the starting point a few folks decide to drop out

Heading north under Burnhamthorpe Road

"ICE" everyone scatters to avoid it except fearless Wendy

Leaving the park at Rathburn Road

Ah! time for lunch

But not before avoiding Pepe Le Pew

No better place to eat lunch

Unfortunately Claire decides to take a rest and meet us at the pub. Ann takes the reins as deputy leader

 Crossing Centennial Par

 Going downhill

 The Border Crossing with nothing to declare except the love of the outdoors

The mighty Etobicoke Creek denotes the border between Toronto and Mississauga

"Ladies at Work" alongside "Men at Work"

What! more ice!

Under the Burnhamthorpe Rd Bridge

Heading back into the city along Burnhamthorpe Rd to the finish

The distance was 11 km

19 thirsty souls joined Claire at the Markland Pub. A group shot plus Ilo's hands was taken

There's Ilo

The Birthday Boys, Chris, Grouch & Barry. Between them over 200 years of experience and knowledge now forgotten as they sink into happy oblivion in their autumn years

I thought this message might be of interest to some. I'm one of them

Thank you to Claire and Ann for leading us into temptation. A beautiful day for a walk and a pint. 

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