Wednesday 13 March 2019


A group of Golden Girls & Boys met at the Golden Arches located at Don Mills & Leslie.
44 Hares and 7 Turtles greeted a cloudy but milder day of +3 degrees. There was some concern about the conditions underfoot caused by the ice melting and re-freezing. It was recommended that the dreaded icers be the order of the day

Evelyn & Patricia led the Hares imparting the knowledge of the trail and what to expect during the day

Patricia points to the way forward

It's not often that the Turtles set off from the same starting point. It was a pleasure to see them

Waiting for a few delayed by the TTC

Heading for the trail

Trail conditions

Follow the Leaders!

Slippery Slope

Yolanta skips for joy

Newbie John

Crossing Lawrence Avenue

Down the Leaside Spur Trail

Lunch this way

Leaving Loblaws

Passing the Aga Khan Museum

Evelyn dons her icers, Stanley takes a nap and Tony is still hungry

Out they come and on they go

Ready for the steep hill to the East Don Trail

Patricia takes the hill in her stride

Checking out the water levels marked by the various suspended stones

Stanley's raring to go after his nap

Bridge over a Tunnel

Crossing onto the Moccasin trail

Gotta love the tunnels

Getting there

Crossing Don Mills Road to the finishing line

A Hike Leaders welcome

Yours truly enjoying a pint of Austrian Stiegl

Wendy likes her exotic drink with a head on it!

Another excellent winter hike in the books. Evelyn and Patricia will no longer be known as new leaders, just a couple of old leaders that have passed the test of time. Well done Ladies, thanks to Kevin for being the ever patient Sweep and Tony for the numbers

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