Wednesday 27 February 2019


Throughout the day the city received 20 cm of snow accompanied by blowing winds. It did not deter 22 brave souls to meet at Waterpark Place for the start of Mary's hike to view the Winter Stations.

Mary gathers the group together to give everyone their marching orders

Bea Ingram takes on the difficult task of counting which is made easier thanks to a revolving door. Barry's happy he wasn't No 13

Heading along Queens Quay towards Cherry Street

Interesting buildings

Towards the Lake passing by Sugar Beach

Re-grouping rather than admiring the view

And it's off we go again

Crossing the Bridge into Cherry Street

Catch up time

Men in Black

Pee Pee break at T & T

At this point some folks had decided to leave for their home comforts

Heading east along the Waterfront Trail at Cherry Beach Park

The trail ahead. Lurking beneath the snow was lots of pesky ice

Making steady progress and staying upright

Winter colour provided by the Sumac Trees

Feeling like a Bridge too Far

Sign should have read "Watch for Crazy Trail Users"

By the time lunch it was 2 pm and the snow and wind was particularly harsh. Many participants dropped out including the two Hiking Co-ordinators! I was knackered after a poor nights sleep and Ann had dog sitting duties to perform. Only 7 hardy types decided to continue on to the Winter Stations

This was the route and distance to lunch

Four deserters caught the bus to Donlands Station and nipped in for a rest and a beer before catching the subway

Later I spoke to Barry Henderson and he informed me that the Group of Seven forged on along Lakeshore East. By the time they reached the Boardwalk the conditions forced them to call it a day and head for the pub. It was mainly due to the biting wind and significant snow drifts. Alas no one saw the winter stations but we all experienced old man winter at his best. The intrepid magnificent seven can be seen enjoying a glass of water at the Gull Pub

I was gobsmacked to learn from Merel that along with 2 other Turtles they also ventured out! They trudged from Don Mills and Lawrence to the Banbury Community Centre finding the going not too bad despite the wind. Returning however was a different story. Heading into the bitter wind they couldn't see the trail anymore. Snowplows had blocked the exit from the trail at Leslie and all three of them fell while trying to manoeuvre across the ice blocks. They walked a total of 6 km. The Turtles have demonstrated similarly to the Hares that they are prepared to brave the elements no matter what Mother Nature throws at them. Makes me proud to be among them

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