Wednesday 20 February 2019


49 members met at Castle Frank Station to meet todays leader, Gentleman Charles Chaffey was a
the helm to greet and give his usual precise information to the group

Crossing Bloor Street 

 Liliane taking the count while Chris becomes camera shy

Entering St. James Cemetery. Toronto's oldest operating cemetery which opened in 1844

Assembling for a short circular tour

Leaving the Cemetery

Strung out along Wellesley Street

Playing catch up in the park

Closed ranks leaving the park

Charles directs those requiring a toilet break at Riverdale Farm 

Those with stronger constitutions wait for the toilet users

Waiting to be fed

Leaving the farm 

Classic Cabbagetown Home

Crossing Parliament St

Charles makes sure everyone has crossed

Taking a break in Winchester Park

Creative street art

Off with the icers

Entering Allen Gardens

Viewing the Spring Plants & Decorations

One eyed Lamb

Having a "Little Bo Peep"

Meeting up with the Turtles

Leaving the Conservatory and heading for lunch

4 wisemen discuss not having any lunch

Lunch over Charles assembles the troops

The group on Yonge Street

Up the steps to pass by Women's College Hospital 

Doffing our hats to Edward V11 in Queen's Park

Entering the U of T Campus

Taking Philosopher's Walk

Convocation Hall

Kings College Circle

John Strachan helped to establish the University. Ann commented he would be surprised to learn that not only do women attend the university but also teach. The current Chancellor is, wait for it, a women. Strachan was all about producing men of moral worth and sound learning. It did not occur to people that women should be educated! They were barred full membership to Hart House until 1972. Women professors were accepted in 1920, 36 years after being admitted to study. 

Charles is a member of the Faculty Club and arranged for those with degrees of alcoholism to continue their addiction

Yoshi gives Mary a cellphone lesson

Charles led us on a most enjoyable and interesting journey through the downtown area. To finish up at the upmarket Faculty Club was a real pleasure

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