Wednesday 6 February 2019


Quite the contrast in the weather conditions when Rosemary and Doris pre-hiked the route compared to today's  ice pellets and freezing rain

On Friday's sunny pre-hike Doris is seen snow shoeing en-route

A happy Selfie

Today, only the hardiest of members turned up at the York Mills subway station. Ilo and Evelyn caught up with the group on the course. I was disappointed to give up walking after only few 100 yards. I'd injured my toe the other week and it continued to give me problems. I did however meet the group for lunch and drinks after taking the TTC

A group shot after lunch at the Earl Bales Community Centre. Talib is missing having to drop out

At the North York Cemetery they found the gates locked but after further investigation managed to extract themselves from a watery grave

A well earned pint and sweet potato fries were consumed at the Frog & Firkin after a character building 10 km hike

You certainly have to admire Rosemary for her fortitude and dedication to the Club adage of "we hike whatever the weather. Especially when you consider the Toronto postal service was suspended today because of the weather. There wasn't a need for a sweep or a count, just a tight little group! Thanks to Rosemary and Ann for providing photo's on the trail

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