Thursday 27 December 2018


Today Rene led a special Christmas Hike to visit the festive lights at Ontario Place. Participants met in the lobby of Bobbie Ardell's condominium

We set off to meet Evelyn & Liliane at the streetcar stop

Crossing over Lakeshore Blvd into Coronation Park we began to experience numbing temperatures  associated with strong winds

Once by the lake and entering into the park the weather conditions were brutal

Evelyn poses by the "Moccasin Identifier" a visual reminder to recognize and honour the past

The Pavilion inspired by Evergreen Forests

Passing "The Bluff" replicating the natural landscape throughout the province

A brief stop for a group photo 

Entering into Ontario Place provided shelter from the wind and a chance to view the lights

Huddled around the fire pit I decided to fall backwards over a log. With smoke in my eyes I lost my balance and provided some excitement for the group

After warming up in the toilets we departed from Ontario Place

After a short walk we made it to the upscale Hotel Ten X. Here we viewed the photographic exhibition By Neil Dandoff and took the elevator to the 27th floor to view the city skyline

A rest and warm in the hotel lobby

Leaving the hotel we hurried through Exhibition Place and onto Liberty Village. At the Brazen Head Pub we sat down to dinner, drinks and merry making

Thanking Rene 

Saying goodbye to Mohammad 

Despite the cold everyone enjoyed Rene's special hike. As always she makes her outings interesting and fun. 

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