Wednesday 9 January 2019


Assembling below at Pioneer Village Station (hiding from Ilo)

Monica gives the group of 46 details on todays hike

Setting off for "bladder break" at the University

Finding Ilo we continue down the Black Creek Trail

Spot of sunshine before we experience snow and blowing winds later on

Muscling up the hill

Crossing Finch Avenue

Monica guides us back onto the trail

Water break (for some)

Stanley decides the lead!

The Waglands looking the part

Just a snow shower!

The skies clear as we arrive for lunch at the Northwood Community Centre

Putting on those damn Icers

Going downhill, real steady like

Chris may not look happy but is thankful for crossing Sheppard Avenue in one piece

Ladies not in Lavender

 A quick stop to play catchup

Jacqueline & Stanley discuss the weather

The end is near

Monica provided the group with a delightful walk along the Black Creek Trail. The changes in the weather added to the experience. With the snow falling we can agree this was truly the first real winter hike. Thanks to Liliane for the count and Rosemary for sweeping

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