Wednesday 16 January 2019


It was a special Seniors' hike today. Patricia and Evelyn led their inaugural hike which included a new route for the club. They can be seen armed with the Hike Leaders Check List ensuring the day went successfully

46 members in their golden years met at the golden arches. Tony Arislen increased the number to 47 meeting the group at lunchtime 

Evelyn & Patricia inform the group on "What's Happening"

Despite the chilly day the sun was out and the wind at our backs making the start of the hike along the Don Mills Trail a pleasant one

Taken earlier on one of the three pre-hikes! The trail was originally the Leaside Spur railway. It closed in the 1930's and eventually the City purchased the land in 2001 and the trail was opened  in parts in 2016 with the southern end yet to be completed

Be ever so careful

From one park to another

Crossing Lawrence at Leslie

Time for a water break

The end of the southern part of the Don Mills Trail (TBD)

Stanley's ready for lunch

Lunch at Loblaws with Tony Arislen

Passing the Aga Khan Museum

Entering the East Don Trail

Down the hill and getting out of the wind heading north

Just got 'em all in

Creative metal art on the bridge railings

The Don

Lots of sunshine

And Rainbows but no Lolliops

Tunnel of Love

Rainbow with a pot of Seniors

Turning onto the The Moccasin Trail 

Huffing and puffing up the hill

Reaching the end of the hike

"A sight for sore eyes"

A delicious German Beer next to one Special Lady

Congratulations Patricia and Evelyn. Your first crack at and leading a brand new hike was first class. What can a say, a sausage at the beginning and a beer at the end was my kind of hike. Thank you to our resident counter and sweep, Liliane and Kevin

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