Wednesday 23 January 2019


19 waterproofed Seniors met in the elusive food court at the Bloor Islington Centre. It was my day to lead with the help my compatriot Ann Atkins

Earlier in the day it had snowed and then turned to ice pellets. We started off in the rain which became increasingly persistent as the day progressed. The temperature had risen from zero to plus 6 by the time the hike had finished. Setting off we walked through Tom Riley Park

Tony Asrilen met us in the park making a round number of 20 participants

The beauty of winter, Mimico Creek

A pause to view and learn the history of Montgomerys Inn dating back to 1830

Travelling the streets north and east of Islington Avenue

Arriving at the entrance to the Humbertown Plaza

Double Take!

Three men in a Mall


"West End Girls"

CJulia Jhaveri Puentes dressed for the part while I look forward to the sign behind

Down the ravine to the Humber River Trail

Circumnavigating the ice blocking our path

Ducks out of water on the Humber River

Group photo of wet and wild Seniors

Pausing to allow Patricia to tell Susan "how it is"

Frozen Weir

Nearly there

Old Mill Road Bridge

The end of the hike at Etienne Brule Park resulting in Germaine throwing up in her hat

14 waterlogged Seniors take refuge to dry out and wet their whistles in the Pub

Kevin takes his medication for a sore hip

While everyone appeared to enjoy "just walking in the rain" the weather did provide the group with an element of intrepidness. Big thanks to Kevin who hung in being the Sweep despite ending the hike with a sore hip. Thanks to Ann for usual support.

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