Wednesday 12 December 2018


60 members participated in today's Senior Hike led by "Marathon Annie"on a frosty morning. 


 Members gathered at the Old Mill Station in readiness for the 11:00 am kick off

Tom & Tony taking it easy

Father Christmas Tree

This little beauty was keen to join us  

Ann welcomes the group

Now the important stuff

 Ann gives a hug to Evelyn & Patricia, two future Hike Leaders

Ann points out the water level reached by Hurricane Hazel

Street artwork under the bridge

Off and running under the Bloor Street Bridge

Entering Kings Mill Park

Seniors in single file?

Daisy gets a helping hand

Field of Seniors

Ann means business

Playing catch up

Leaving the park

Give us a break

Meeting up with Sigrun who led us through the woods a South Humber Park 

View of the Filtration Plant

Grainne doesn't like the smell from the plant, or was it Stanley?

Commemorative Stone to Etienne Brule

Ann thanks Sigrun for leading us out of the woods

Back on the Humber River Path

Under the Queensway

Bringing up the rear

Our two fine Sweeps for today, Kevin & Alienna

 Crossing the Humber Bay Arch Bridge

On the Boardwalk

Safety in numbers crossing Lakeshore Blvd

Chris, Ann's longtime friend take their first hike together

Steps into High Park

Passing bu Colborne Lodge

Meeting up with the Turtles at the Grenadier Restaurant

Doug & Lillian "scoff at the broth"

No account for taste

Tony A came in from outside looking for scraps

Group shot

Heading down to the Zoo

Into the woods of High Park

Out of the woods to finish the hike

Experiencing the delights of Mackenzie's

 Ann gave everyone day to enjoy. With thanks to Sigrun for suggesting and leading us through the woods at South Humber Park. Thanks also to Liliane for counting and Kevin and Alienna for looking after the rear. Additional pics gratefully supplied by Rene and Jutta. Ann and I wish to thank Evelyn for the two pints of Stella

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