Thursday 6 December 2018


Today 89 club members celebrated the season with their annual Christmas Lunch held for the first time at the Granite Brewery. It was also a special day for Bobbie Ardell. Bobbie celebrated her ?? Birthday 

Merel and Ann manned the registration desk while Patricia, Bobbie and Irene awaited their help instructions

Patricia and Lillian were told to smile

Members arriving

Overall view of the room as members began socializing

Lots of chatter and mingling before lunch

President Ilo thanked everyone involved in organizing todays lunch

By now the inmates were getting restless wanting to be fed. Tables were called on a random basis to belly up to the buffet table

Time to eat

Talib goes for the "Full Monty"

Lillian's lunch

Tonie "tucks in"

After lunch Merel thanked the person that generously donated a $1,000 anonymously to the club

The proceedings finished with a raffle with prizes donated by some of the members

It would appear that the lunch was a success. Most members liking the venue, the room and the food.
I must thank Rene, Evelyn with the steady hand and Doug for the many photo contributions

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