Wednesday 19 December 2018


Deer Rene, today's Hike Leader takes a selfie on her way to the meeting point

For those that arrived early at the Allen Gardens Conservatory a treat was in store

It was a beautiful floral Christmas display

Snapping the Turtles

Peek-a-Boo, it's Kevin

Merel with her sister from Holland

Outside the Greenhouse Rene gives out Candy Cane

Rene holds court

Heading off

And who do we meet? Mr Tony Parker

Crossing Sherborne & Carlton Streets

Balloon display outside of a Cake Shop

Rene looking a sweet treat

Rene leads 70 members through Cabbagetown imparting her knowledge of the area including the home where she had her first kiss!

Group photo taken in Riverdale Park

Waiting to cross Dundas Street at the Aquatic Centre

Bobbie & Rose pose for the camera

The ever changing Regent Park 

Seniors decide to boycott this friendly guard by jay walking!

Street art 

Unusual design 

Cruising through Corktown 

Pouring in to the Distillery

Taking a break in Parliament Square Park with the Data Centre Building in the background. It was built to resemble a punch card

Lunch at Loblaws on Lower Jarvis Street. Looks like Tony has had his fill

After lunch at Loblaws Rene try's in vain to corral the "livestock" into single file

Redpath Sugar Refinery Mural

Chilly by the lake

Condo City

Pausing to view the Chinese Railroad Workers Monument 

 Classic example of urbanization

Crossing the Puente de Luz Bridge over the tracks

Wellington's better half at Victoria Memorial Square

Preparing for the 50 yard dash to "Mecca"


Ordering nectar from the Gods


I love this beer

On the bus heading to Bathurst Station

Kudos again to Rene, she always leads an informative hike taking in various places of interest, especially for me at the Wheat Sheaf serving Smithwicks, ha ha. Leading 70 Seniors through city streets is no "mean feet". Thanks to Liliane for completing the challenging role of counting and to Jutta for sweeping up the left overs. 

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