Wednesday 28 November 2018


What's this? A bunch of Seniors crowding the entrance to the Davisville Station! Does anybody read the schedule?

Commuters happy to see us leaving the station

69 members gathered in the park to listen to Dorit, today's Leader, give the group their marching orders

Dorit displays her stoic resolve while Germaine is reduced to one of the little people

And we are off and running so to speak

Entering the K Gardiner Beltline

Ira's happy to be back

Waiting for the "others"

Ignoring the speed bump

Entering Mt. Pleasant Cemetery

Crossing Moore & Bayview Avenue

A Seniors' Huddle

Heading down Bayview Avenue

Crossing over Bayview Avenue

Entering Crothers Woods

The mighty Don

 Leaving the Woods 

Mary is eager for lunch

Feeding their faces

Rok meets up with Dorit for lunch and the afternoon hike

These ladies decide to take the shuttle to Broadview Station

Bunched up and ready for the afternoon jaunt

Kevin our regular Sweep enjoys the quiet and tranquility by staying behind the masses

Leaving Bayview Avenue and entering the Lower Don Trail

Along the trail we came across these abandoned sculptures

This one is entitled "Constipation"

Passing under the Bloor Street Viaduct

Looking south along the "Don" with Bridgepoint Health Centre on the left

Leaving the Trail and crossing over to Riverdale Park

Lovely couple against a beautiful sky

Preparing for more steps

Talib makes it to the top

Leaving Riverdale we walk along Carlton Street to the pub passing some artistic murals

A welcome sight

Cheers to Dorit

Germaine sports a new hair do

Got our drinks

Waiting for their drinks

Sharing a pint

Cheers to our hardworking Bar person 

My Apple Watch stopped tracking the route twice, see gaps, but pretty much recorded the route. I estimate the distance to be around 14 km

Dorit provided everyone with a splendid days outing. The weather played its part offering sunny breaks from time to time. Thanks again to Liliane and Kevin for counting and sweeping. Thanks also to Rene and Doug for providing additional photos. I must thank Ann Atkins and Lillian Ing for paying for my beer

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