Wednesday 21 November 2018


36 Brave Souls made the trip to the far reaches of the West End in frigid weather conditions. Mary Ayers, todays leader, met the group at the LCBO on Burnhamthorpe Rd

Mary led the group down to a suitable spot for todays itinerary

Essentially the walk followed the Elmcrest and Etobicoke Creeks with lunch at the Centennial Park Conservency

Time to "get going" heading south to Neilson Park

Arriving at the Neilson Park Art Centre it was time for a washroom visit and a chance to view the local artwork before retracing our steps going north

The Elmcrest Creek

Crossing Bloor Street

Mike 'The Mummy" shows the way

After we reached Burnhamthorpe Rd again we continued north to Rathburn Road

Crossing Rathburn Rd we reached our lunch spot. The warmth of the Greenhouse and the spectacular
 Chrysanthemum flower display was indeed a welcome sight

Posing at lunch

The punctual few ready to continue on

"On Frozen Pond"

The beauty of winter

Etobicoke Creek 

Be ever so careful

Up the steps and on to the Pub

Having a warm and a pint at the Markland Pub

No matter the weather, with the right attitude and clothing one can enjoy the outdoors in winter. Those that participated today prove that fact. Mary, as usual, led the hike in a competent and caring manner while Liliane did her usual count and Kevin did his regular sweep duty. Thank you to Rene, Bea and Doug for sending the additional photos for inclusion

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