Wednesday 5 July 2017


Another glorious day for our Senior Hike led by the beautiful "hatted" Dorit. We met at Davisville Station where 83 members proceeded to the Kay Gardner Beltline Park. This was another huge turnout surpassing last week's numbers by two!

After Dorit informed the excited group about today's route etc, we proceeded along the Beltline.

Then a quiet and picturesque walk through Mt. Pleasant Cemetery emerging onto Bayview Avenue.

Now for an enjoyable one kilometre walk down Bayview Avenue 

Now there's Evelyn, a truly excited person about to enter into the extensive Crowther Woods.

Nothing like a "Fist Pump" to keep you going.

Even "Don" joined us

Kevin's got Beer on his mind!

Evelyn's lost her excitement!

Daisey heading down to lunch.

Leaving the Woods a for a short walk along Bayview Avenue again we arrived at the Brickworks for our lunch.

After lunch the group met at the pond for the uphill climb along the Moore Park Ravine back to Davisville.

It's 1:15 pm! Where is everyone?

The Executive stayed behind to conduct Club business. It was Ilo's first meeting as the new President. It was gone 3:00 pm by the time the meeting was adjourned. Merel and Irene headed for greener pastures while Tony, Ilo, Ann and I made a Bee Line for the Wallace Pub.

Despite Ann and I speed walking we did not catch the main group but we did leave Tony & Ilo in the dust!

There they are! Eventually we all met at the Wallace. Most of the group boozers were leaving as we approached Eutopia. Tonie & Evelyn decided to return to keep us company.

It was a most enjoyable day despite missing the second half of the hike. It was a lovely pub with unusual beers on tap. I tried the "Mad Dog" IPA thinking it matched my personality. We toasted Dorit in her absence for another successful led hike.

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