Wednesday 12 July 2017


There were several unfortunate situations surrounding our hike today. The main one being Kevin Doyles injury while pre-hiking the route yesterday. Kevin took a tumble down a steep sloop and injured his shoulder together with some scrapes and bruises. Fortunately nothing was broken and with the help of pain killers and alcohol he will be able to lead again. Due to Kevin's mishap Ann and I were called upon to lead at the last minute.

40 members met at Mt. Pleasant and Eglinton and at precisely 11:00 am we commenced going north on Mt. Pleasant. Unfortunately not being familiar with the specific route we turned too early and found ourselves in Mount Hope Cemetery, "dead to rights"

Unfortunately we found out there were some members waiting at the entrance to Sherwood Park which is where we should have led the group. Eventually we were in contact with them and explained our situation and that we should all meet at the Glendon College Cafeteria for lunch.

We exited the Cemetery without loosing anyone and were able to complete a perfect headcount by forcing everyone through a narrow opening in the fence. It was a a joy to behold especially for Rosemary.

After crossing Bayview Avenue with the help of a friendly "Copper" we made our way down the hill towards the College.

Chance for a second count!

Despite the cafeteria being full of students the air conditioning was welcomed as it was a hot and sticky day.

After lunch we walked south on Bayview until we reached the entrance to Sherwood Park

On the way we spotted some interesting fungi on the trail which stopped everyone in their tracks!

After the excitement of the day it was a short climb up the hill and out of the park to Mt. Pleasant

While some members headed for home a number of us headed for the Granite Pub.

When "Irish Eyes Are Smiling"

We were really pleased to have Kevin join us for a drink with everyone wishing him a speedy recovery

I explained to Kevin that we did his hike ass backwards and missed out certain parts but most folks seemed to be satisfied with the days outing

It is unfortunate that today's Blog is a short one. The tremendous stress of leading the hike with Ann thwarted my ability to take my usual amount of photographs. 

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