Wednesday 28 June 2017


Eighty One Members joined Rene at Davisville Station for the 11 km hike down to the Keating Channel.

Before entering Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Rene gave the group an overview of today's hike

The Cemetery as usual was pleasant to walk through

Entering the Avoca Ravine provided more of a work out

The multi-tasking group!

"I need a Hand"

We soon found easier going in the David Balfour Park

Before crossing the busy Mt. Pleasant Road Stanley took a breather

Safely across

Rene then led us on a short walk through  Craighleith Gardens in Rosedale to the Bloor St. Viaduct

Over the bridge and south for lunch at the impressive Bridgeport Hospital

We sat on the 10th floor having our lunch admiring the views and the beautiful roof garden

Wake up Stanley!

A reflection of friendship

I couldn't resist photographing the interesting metal sculptures at the hospital entrance 

Lunch over it was down the Don Trail. No Rene is not going the wrong way

A brief diversion through Corktown Common before rejoining the trail

Towards the end of the trail we came across this Street Artist

We reached the Keating Channel Pub for a much deserved libation
(Happy Drinkers, Photos courtesy of Rene)

Some not so happy!

The route

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