Wednesday 21 June 2017


Today Barry & I led a splendid turnout of 69 members for the start of our Mimico Creek Hike. After meeting at the Islington Subway we took the short walk into Tom Riley Park for Roger's introduction to todays proceedings.

The initial part of the hike required some street walking. Members can be seen walking along the pleasant Burnhamthorpe Boulevard.

Once we reached Echo Valley Park we said goodbye to the busy streets and  soon entered into the tranquility of Hampshire Heights Park following the Mimico Creek.

Around 12:30 pm after covering about 5 km we stopped for lunch at West Deane Park. Extra time at lunch was require in order to allow all concerned to use the toilets due to only single stall facilities.

Lunch over we continued heading north west for a short distance and then crossed over the creek to commence walking back on the opposite side to where we had lunch.

From the lunch spot we retraced our steps back to Echo Valley Park taking a slight detour through the long grass.

The official ending point of the hike was at Burnhamthorpe and Kipling where many folks caught the TTC to the Subway. What was surprising to Barry & I was the number of members wishing to join us at the St. James Pub. A record of 32! 

It was a special treat to toast and celebrate the recent marriage of Dorit & Rok. Their relationship developed while hiking with the Club. Such a wonderful couple.

The total distance covered today was about 12 km including the walk down Kipling to the Pub.

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