Wednesday 19 April 2017


After an enjoyable ride to Guildwood on the Go Train Barry and I met Charles Chaffey, the hike leader for today's Senior Hike. The weather forecasted rain which supposedly reduce the number of participants to 29. Fortunately the rain was minimal giving us a shower at the start and at the end of the hike. Charles led us through Highland Creek Park and Mornigside Park before breaking for lunch at the U of T Scarborough Campus. 

After lunch we continued heading towards the lake following the Creek. Along the path we met Merel and two other Turtles coming from the opposite direction.

We reached Colonel Danforth Park where the Club had paid for a Sugar Maple Tree to be planted in honour of the Club Founder David Smith.

During the hike Charles pointed out several plants that were starting to appear, in particular, the Bloodroot was beginning to make a show.

We reached Lake Ontario after travelling through Highland Park Ravine.

We headed east following the shoreline to Port Union Village Common Park. Two groups formed at the Park, one continued to Rouge Hill Station and a set of "Boozers" barrelled off to Azumi Sushi for the likes of Asahi and Sapporo beers.

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