Wednesday 5 April 2017


Ilo Puhm, today's Senior Hike Leader, met 63 members at the Christie Subway Station on a beautiful sunny spring day.

Before setting of south towards the lake we took a moment to admire Tonie Norman's new hiking boots which will soon carry her off to Sicily in style.

To reach the lake shore we walked through several parks, in particular Trinity Bellwoods where the Garrison Creek is buried underneath the ground.

Our lunch stop was the Enercare Building.

Refreshed, we headed towards the Lake Shore passing BMO Field which after extensive upgrades now resembles a fine sports stadium.

Soon we were heading west around the Humber Bay.

Irene needed to test the Muskoka Chairs but secretly needed a rest before tackling the stairs at the end of the hike.

Stanley & Charles were ahead of the group, deep in conversation and had to be reined in or left to get lost in the west end!

Leaving the Boardwalk we turned north into High Park. Before ending the 12.6 km walk, Ilo had one final hurdle for the group to tackle, the 90 plus steps up to Bloor Street.

Susan Richardson is a glutton for punishment. She was the only one that smiled after reaching the top

We are gradually converting the members into "Pub Crawlers" as 30 of them staggered in and out of the Mackenzie Pub on Bloor Street.

The route taken to the Pub is shown below

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