Sunday 9 April 2017


On Sunday Barry & I met Tom Fiore's hiking group at the Grenadier Restaurant in High Park. About 60 of us took the opportunity to enjoy a Spring like day to walk around the Park.

Fortunately Tom is a master of the trails in the Park which wind about with lots of twists and turns. We visited the tribute to the "Birdman" who fed the birds daily until he passed away. Fortunately his friends carry on the tradition.

One of the hikers brought along her dog but he wasn't long before he had to be carried.

I managed to snap our intrepid leader while imparting his knowledge to the group

Before heading around the Humber Bay Tom paused to have his picture taken with these fine Ladies

We headed west along the Boardwalk and crossed over the Humber River Bridge.

We did a circular route around one of the Humber Bay Parks pausing at the Air India Memorial

Before heading back towards High Park we enjoyed the views from the park

We entered High Park climbing up to Colbourne Lodge

At the Lodge there were hundreds of families participating in an Easter Egg Hunt. Tom ended the 11 km hike here with cool down exercises for the group.

After the hike the Sicily group met for lunch at the Mackenzie Pub for a pre-trip get together

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