Wednesday 4 March 2020


60 members met at Kew Gardens on Queen St for Mary Ayers "Winter Station Hike". We enjoyed lots of sunny breaks with the temperature reaching an enjoyable +6 degrees

Mary shows off her Ayers & Gracies

And gives the members their marching orders

Ducking down to the Lake

Thankfully the snow is cleared from the pathways

Stanley "leads" us down the Boardwalk

Viewing the first of the Winter Stations on Woodbine Beach

The second one complete with drums and bells but no whistles

The final one 

Good for a group shot

 Today there was only 3 Winter Station, the 4th one was dismantled earlier. If you were wondering what it was like here's a pic from our pre-hike. Looks like it was already "pasta it's time"

A "what the hell was that all about crowd" leave the beach for the boardwalk. This years winners were not up to the previous ones and might be categorized as "losers"

Stanley "leads" us again along Lakeshore Blvd. A leader in the making?

Waiting for the lunch crowd to return

Heading down Leslie St

On the Martin Goodman Trail towards Cherry Beach

Upon reflection

Arriving at Cherry Beach 

At the top of Cherry St we reached the finish line and the pub for some

Taking it easy 

"Cheers" to Mary

Another enjoyable days outing thanks to Mary

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