Monday 23 March 2020


I was going to put together a "Club Happy Face" post but will save it for the next time, we will need it! Instead, I've put together a pictorial sample of how the virus is impacting our community and in other parts of the world. Some of you maynot agree with this post in the light of not being in good taste, however, I feel so strongly about the need for us as individuals to be vigilant about doing our part to stem the tide. This post depicts some sobering moments and where possible the odd piece of humour. Hopefully we can all agree the seriousness of what we are facing today. These images are in no particular order

Islington Station Parking Lot normally full before 8:00 am

Subsequently officially postponed

This is social distancing practiced on Blackpool Beach in the UK

This person must be a Vet

These guys are a virus in themselves! Trump said "People are dying who have never died before" and "We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself". And he's running the Country!

At least our guy seems to be doing the right thing 

Let us all do our part and listen to the Health Professionals and strictly adhere to their advice. To all my Senior Hiking friends stay safe, stay home and keep washing your hands 

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