Wednesday 11 September 2019


It was a warm humid day for our hike around the Humber Arboretum together with a visit to the Hindu Temple. The meeting point was at the busy Bus Terminal at Humber College North Campus. Those that drove were sweating finding parking before they started walking

Marlon Chen was today's leader. New on the job with the club but experienced with the Bruce Trail, led the group down to a suitable place to impart his knowledge

Liliane can be seen herding the flock into single file for the official count of 42

The other Lillian can be seen stepping it out

We pass the newly built extensive college parking lot

The student on the right joined us for a short distance on her way home

We take the West Humber Recreational trail before entering the Arboretum 

Reaching the Arboretum we pause for a water break

We proceed walking around the gardens

On the way we meet up with Hikka, Paula & Tony. They were delayed getting to the start one way or another

We are now 45 in total

We climb the hill to see what's out there and have our lunch

At least Rosemary looks happy with her lunch

Stanley Keil over

Got it made in the shade

Taking it easy after lunch

Marlon informs the group about the walk to the Temple

No energy to walk back up the hill

Bill takes it easy

To the Temple we go

Saying goodbye to the Arboretum


After some street work we arrive at the entrance to the Temple

Marlon had arranged for a tour of the interior. Some members took the tour while others viewed the impressive exterior

What an ornate building

Paying Homage

These folk walked back with Marlon after taking the tour. Others left earlier to seek the usual refreshments. Unfortunately Barry and I arrived at the College to a pub with no beer! Being  resourceful characters when it comes to Beer we navigated our way to Mr.Greek

Avery special thanks to Marlon for his inaugural Club lead. The Arboretum combined with the Temple visit made for a most gratifying day. A warm welcome from Ann & I to the special group of Hike Leaders. Thanks Liliane fo Counting

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