Wednesday 18 September 2019


Another great day weatherize for Germaine & Tonie's hike along the Dorothy McCarthy Trail

61 Seniors' "gassed up" at the Pioneer Station for today's outing 

A short walk down Ravine Drive brings us to the Trail Head

Our two indomitable Leaders bring the group up to speed on the day's itinerary

And down the trail we go

Liliane starts the count

Lake Ontario comes into view

Viewing the sculpture "Passages" by Marlene Hilton Moore. It depicts a rib cage of a Great Lakes Fish and represents the life events of Dorothy McCarthy and the Scarborough Bluffs

View looking west

Down we go to follow the trail east along the lake front

Stone cairns 

They remind me of the Hindu Temple from last week

The peaceful trail ahead

 "Trail Heads"
 Catch up time

Lots of wild flowers litter the trail

Last push before lunch 

Lunch on the Rocks 

Lunch on the Logs

Germaine with her giant Pepper

Catch up time (again) 

All present and correct

The climb to Guild Park & Gardens

Saved from the Temple Building formerly at 62 Richmond St, Toronto's first skyscraper

Bank of Montreal by Frances Loring

A number of artist were in the park sketching and painting

The Greek Theatre built from the remains of the Bank of Toronto

St. Francis and the Wolf by Robert Bowie

The Gardens in beautiful colour

Gates from the Produce Building 1890

It's quite the drop from the top of the Bluffs

"If you go down in the woods today" you should be able to see Rosemary

The tranquility of the Boardwalk

Fall is just around the corner and so is the Pub!

Ace's Place are the initials of the owner, Arthur Charles Ewing. What a wonderful establishment it is, service and ambiance top notch

 Toasting Tonie & Germaine

Germaine & Tonie show their appreciation to the members

What a lovely outing thanks to our caring leaders, Germaine & Tonie, you turned the day into a memorable one. Liliane and Kevin were back in harness performing the much appreciated tasks of counting and sweeping. I personally want to to thank the Pub for serving "Stiegl Beer". An Austrian brew consisting of only hops, water, yeast & malt defined in the Purity Law of 1516. Get with it you Craft Beer Brewers!

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