Wednesday 4 September 2019


42 Hares and 5 Turtles boarded the yellow school bus from York Mills and the Islington Beer Store with Bernie our accommodating driver at the wheel.

Tonie can be seen practicing her Tai Chi outside of the Beer Store while waiting for the bus.

An uneventful ride traffic wise brought us to Forks of the Credit Parking Lot with Merel the first Senior Student to alight on a cool but dry day

Standing around while the toilets are given a work out

Ann & I led the Hares on a short but demanding hike while Merel led the Turtles on a trip around Kettle Lake

Kettle Lake

The two Runners

Still standing

Taking the Trans Canada Trail

"If you go down in the woods today"


Is this the Forks of the Credit?

Looking towards Cataract Falls

On the Ruins Trail

The start of the dreaded 165 steps

Plucking up courage

Taking it step by step

How much further?

Nearly at the top

Time for breather

Taking the Bruce Side Trail

Preparing to descend into the valley

Watch your step

The Credit River Valley

The peaceful lunch spot

Daisy's tree. A spot she occupies when visiting for the past 30 years!

Arch rivals!

Jacqueline sporting a colourful cap

Far from the madding crowd

Off we go 

Climbing back up

Taking the Meadow Trail

Golden Rod and Milk Weed

Perfect place to do a bit of "Scrumping"

At the finishing line

Our almost resident Sweep and Counter. Good on ya'

After dropping off the Islington folks Bernie kindly drove a dozen drinkers to the watering hole before heading off to York Mills 

Wishing Merel a Happy Birthday

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