Wednesday 1 May 2019


15 stalwarts made the journey on the Go Train to experience a Windy Wednesday in Whitby. Fortunately the rain had abated by the time we met our leader Jim Mallon. At times the wind was so strong to impede ones forward motion

We set off as we watched Stanley high tail out the parking lot?

We made our way through predominately sidewalks in the suburbs of Whitby before we entered the Lynde Shores Conservation Area

Water & Wind Break

Checking out the Mental Institute

Expansive marsh land

Toilet break

Entering Lynde Shores

Wild Turkey Crossing

Mud mud glorious mud

Our lunch spot. We were supposed to be munching on the beach [see pics below from Jim]

Ann's video gives one an idea of today's conditions 

Today it was lunch on the logs

Leaving the lunch spot we re-traced our steps back through the Conservation Area to the main road

We got luck on the way back with a closer view of the Turkeys

Taking the Chickadee Side Trail

After walking back through the suburbs we reached the Royal Oak

Out of the wind with a well earned pint we thank Jim for a hike that blew us away

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