Wednesday 8 May 2019


The Clubs AGM took place today at the Forward Baptist Church on Gerrard Street. Consequently, Charles Chaffey led 57 members on a comparatively short hike from the starting point at Queen & Coxwell

Charles gives the group the days proceedings while some bow the heads in respect

You wouldn't know this park used to be a racetrack

It's cool but sunny and perfect for a walk

We meet up with two members arriving late due to the TTC delays swelling the numbers to 59 

Charles gets the measure of himself

Line up at Maughan Crescent Parkette

Entering St. John's Norway Cemetery

Leaving the cemetery alive and well

Up the hill to the church

Ready for the meeting

The Executive

After 2 hours including a 30 min lunch break members are ready for the off. The meeting progressed as expected with much discussion concerning the venue for the Christmas Lunch leaving food for thought!

Crossing Williamson Ravine

Seniors at play walking through Georges Etienne-Cartier Separate School

Seniors on the wrong side of the track!

Through the colourful tunnel into the park

Colourful fences alongside of Felstead Avenue Playground

As I said earlier glorious day for gentle walk around part of the east end of the city. Charles led a caring hike ensuring everyone crossed the roads safely and stayed together. Thank you to our regular counter and sweep, Liliane and Kevin 

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