Wednesday 22 May 2019


Today's Bus Hike, the first this year, was to view the Trilliums, amongst other delights, at the Bronte Creek Provincial Park. In total 48 members participated including Turtles

Waiting for the bus at where better than the Beer Store at Islington and Bloor

The bus arrives with the folks from York Mills already onboard

Everyone looks like a bus load of happy school kids

Arriving at the Park and time to visit the washroom

Ann & I pose, not very well, as Mr & Mrs Hayseed farming out today's programme

And off we go

We soon are greeted by the Trilliums

The White Trillium was adopted in 1937 as Ontario's official flower

Taking the Half Moon Valley Trail

Heading down to the Creek

Peek a Boo

Water break by the water

Heading back up to the meadow trail

Back in the woods we spot the Turtles ahead

Happy to meet up and have lunch together

This White Oak Tree germinated in 1685 and is one of the largest of it's kind in Ontario. In well drained soil they can live up to 600 years

The combined ages of these guys makes this tree feel as though it's just been planted

After lunch a visit to the Farm

Proud as Peacock [Thanks Jacqueline for the photo]

The Goats stole the show

Sheltering as it starts to rain

The only time when the Dandelions look, in the Spring and in a Wine Bottle

"Gnomeward Bound"

No drops on Merel

Mary and Ann race up the hill

And wait for the stragglers

Last leg of the hike

And it's back on the bus

A comparatively short walk today but with lots to view. Thanks to Kevin again for being our favourite Sweep and to Roger for not leaving anybody behind 

The "Drinking Dozen" at the St. James Gate Pub

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