Wednesday 2 May 2018


The first really warm day of the year for our Wednesday hike. Temperatures reach 28 degrees encouraging 58 seniors' to meet at Finch and Warden

Tonie, today's co-leader greeted everyone with her infectious smile

Similarly, Germaine, our other co-leader wasn't to be out done 

Tonie tells it like it is 

 Here we go

 Liliane counts the numbers at the bridge

Made in the shade

 Water break and wind break for Stanley

 Another break for others to catch up

 Irene finds her own spot to wait

Round the bend to lunch

 Al Fresco Diners

 Eating in

Time to relax and digest ones lunch

Them and us

Happy together

 On the road again

Fancy a swim?

Tonie's favourite gate with the inscription
"Any person who omits to shut and fasten the gate
is liable to a penalty not exceeding forty shillings" 

Original homestead

Getting to the church on time

Combination trails, note the sign "Keep Right"

Note our group keeping left and right! 

Another no no forging ahead of the Leaders!

Power to the hikers

A single Rose

They don't look happy

As opposed to to these three

Was I shouting again?

A stroll through the orchard

Tonie makes me smile

The finishing line (for some)

24 of us continued on to Mr. Congee. On the way I fell over in my excitement. It would have made more sense if I had done it after drinking beer

Toasting the "Lovely Leaders"

Don't be shy

Super day in the sun with Tonie & Germaine. Thank you ladies for the turnip treats at Mr. Congee. Thanks Rene for some additional photos

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