Wednesday 16 May 2018


Our first Bus Hike of 2018 was to view the elusive Trilliums at Bronte Creek Provincial Park. This year they did not disappoint. Neither did the weather, sunny and 20 degrees. The bus made two pick ups, one at York Mills and the other at the Beer Store at Bloor & Islington. The bus was late at York Mills and then the driver forget about the second pick up causing a delay in our timing to start the hike. Members can be seen waiting patiently debating whether to buy a tallboy to go

Eager to board

Happy to be on our way

The ceremonial exchanging of the poles

Today's leaders

32 Hares and 5 Turtles gather round for the info from Ma & Pa Kettle

The trilliums in all their glory

This was taken on Monday

Our first obstacle

The devastating work of the Ash Borer Beetle

Pink ones

Bronte Creek even take care of you when you die!

So nice to walk through the woods

Water Break

Heading down to the river

Do not come into contact with this weed. You can experience severe pain and skin damage if you do
Sumacs about to bloom

14 mile Creek

Photo op with Liliane our regular Counter

Don't forget to duck

Making our way back from the valley floor

On top in the meadows

Back in the woods

Who would not want to walk along this path?

Damage from the recent wind storm

Heading for lunch

Turtles heading for the lunch rendezvous

The diners

Visiting the farm animals

Let sleeping pigs lie

Got my goat (taken Monday)

Who woke Miss Piggy up?

Dandelions can look beautiful

Merel's ready to visit the Gnome Homes

Down Gnome Lane

Don't forget to look up!

We said goodbye to the Turtles and took the loop path through the woods

The loneliness of the hike leader

Ann heads them up the hill

Ouch! my bloody knees!

Rewarded with a group photo

What goes up must come down

The last leg

Not a long walk but an interesting one to stop and admire the flora and fauna on the way. It was a pleasure to have the Turtles join the Hares today. Thank you to Kevin for Sweeping and Liliane for Counting

A short walk from the Beer Store to the Pub, St. James Gate, for well earned pints

Ma & Pa Kettle congratulate each other for not loosing anyone today!

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