Wednesday 9 May 2018


The troops gather outside of Greenwood Station on a warm sunny day with the temperature reaching 21 degrees

72 members group together in Felstead Avenue Playground to be given the days proceedings with Ann & Roger leading them to the Church on time

There off and running

Heading for the count in Monarch Park

The colourful tunnel under the railway line

Passing the Community Garden

Down the Ally parallel to the railway tracks

Crossing Coxwell Avenue awaiting our jay walking members!

Colourful bench outside of Ecole Georges Etienne-Cartier

Down the steps into Williamson Park Ravine

What goes down must come up

Water break after tackling the stairs

Beautiful Magnolia in full bloom

We are saved! the Church is in sight

Here we conduct our 2018 AGM courtesy of the generosity of Pastor Aaron Woodhouse

The Turtles beat the Hares!

A perfect hall and set-up for our meeting

The Clubs Executive Committee

Ilo announces with pride and pleasure the recipient of the Clubs Honorary Lifetime Member is Merel.  The members loudly applaud as Roger presents a book of photo memories to her

Merel is also presented with a National Geographic book by Ilo 

Merel sincerely thanks the members for the award

After a successful AGM the group leaves the Church and continues on through Cassels Ave Playground

Passing through Norway Junior Public schoolyard we view the students animal creations

Today's Happy Leaders

Such a bunch of "Sinners"that leave the Church and head immediately for the Pub at "The Stone Lion"

We did not earn our beer today judging by the distance. Thank you Tony with a Y for being the Sweep and our resident Counter Liliane

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