Wednesday 30 May 2018


It sure was a hot one for Barry and I to lead 66 Seniors on a scenic amble along the Mimico Creek. After leaving the Bloor/Islington Centre we gave an outline of today's itinerary at Tom Riley Park

As we set off who should spy in the distance? Mr. Car Park himself, aka Tony Asrilen

Liliane is seen diligently counting as we cross the Mimico Creek for the first time

During the walk we will cross the Creek 6 times

After a short break waiting for a late member to catch up we proceeded along Burnhamthorpe Crescent

We soon met up with the ever smiling Claire Bergeron who was waiting outside of her Condo Building

Viewing the homes along Burnhamthorpe Park Road

Waterbreak at the entrance to Echo Valley Park

 Crossing the Creek

Entering Ravenscrest Park

Taking the adventurous path close to the creek

Doug looking for inch worms

Meeting up with those that preferred the safety of the paved pathway

Back on the main path

Entering West Deane Park and ready for a break and a spot of lunch

Stanley protects his crisp white shirt from splattering food over it

The group spread themselves out to enjoy some shade, hence many photos

Now there's a happy hiker

Lovely Ladies

Irene points and shoots

Roger demonstrates how to peel an orange

We salute Jim Mallon for joining us all the way from Ajax. Good on ya Jim

 Lunch and the Loo over we set off continuing north

Thankful for the shade and the creek before Stanley's face gets any darker

Requisite waterbreak and for others to catch up

The welcoming shade of the trail ahead

Spot of exercise climbing the bank and then the stairs

After a short tour through the streets we head back down towards the creek where a large Willow is the victim of a recent storm

Monica Feran is seen smiling as we near the end of today's hike

The hike terminated at Burnhamthorpe and Kipling. Unbeknown to us we left some of the group behind as we continued on to the pub. Fortunately Rose Jones helped with directions using her TTC App

A crowd of us barrelled into the Arthur Guinness Room at the St. James Gate greeted by friendly wait staff that provided ice water and lemon to start

A rare occurrence as we see Barry drinking water that is not dark and having a head

Eventually some of those members we left behind showed up including a lady who collapsed on the floor suffering from leg cramps After a laying down for 20 mins in front of the door to the room she righted herself none the worse for wear. This allowed the wait staff to resume serving. Due to the drama at the end of the hike and in the pub Barry and I attempted to appease the restless crowd by ordering sweet potato fries

That's more like it as Barry gets his Guinness and we reflect on the days proceedings

Thank you Rene for being today's Sweep and Liliane for once again volunteering to Count

Wednesday 23 May 2018


A beautiful day with the temperature reaching 25 degrees. Perfect for today's hike in the Beach area. 74 members met at Kew Gardens to meet our timely leader, Tony Asrilen

Tony points to the Lake, our first encounter

We're off heading south for the Boardwalk and Waterfront Trail

Strung out already

Seniors" version of sharing the path

Crossing Queen St East

Ivan Forest Gardens

Water Break

Lovely Tulips

Tripping along Glen Stewart Park

Glen Stewart Ravine

Tony gives the option to continue or sit and wait until the main group returns

The "Sitters"

Tony's lookalike entertains the "Sitters"

The hardy types carry on

Getting a rest at the top

Beautiful street art

Heading back down

Crossing the bridge over Glen Stewart Park

Crossing Queen St East again

After lunch heading west along the Boardwalk

By the Marina in Ashbridges Park

Looking at Lake Ontario

Mercedes, "The Best or Nothing"

Evelyn, Peter and Doris pose for the camera

View of downtown

Final hurdle before the Pub

This is what hiking is all about. 22 thirsty Senior's at the Stone Lion

What could be better than a hike predominantly along the lake on a warm day. Thank you Tony for an exemplary Lead, Ann Garnett for an admirable Sweep and Liliane for an accurate Count.