Wednesday 4 April 2018


After pre-hiking today's hike three times Ann & I felt confident that this new GO Train hike to Oakville would be enjoyed by the members. Up until today, the weather had co-operated on our Wednesday outings. Today, however, we experienced gale force winds, sun, cloud, snow squalls and temperatures dropping from 5 to 1 degree. Nevertheless 31 "Weatherproofed Wanderers" left the warmth of the Go Train at Oakville Station.

Ann gives the group the necessary info 

Starting off we had to walk about 2 km to reach Lake Ontario. 

On the way we past many of the individual older homes in Oakville including this little beauty

The path to the lake shore was officially closed but our Seniors were not deterred

"Viola I give you Lake Ontario"

Toronto way off in the distance

A nice spot to contemplate one's naval but not today

Peering at the Lighthouse

"Browntown" Toronto

The group risked being blown off the pier to record the occasion

Mohammed is blown over

The pack attack outside of the Oakville Museum

"Old Dear" meets a "Loose Moose"

Pee stop at the Library

Crossing over to Fortino's for lunch

The16 available soup selections are a big hit with the group

Leaving Fortino's with the sign reminding those wishing to visit the Pub later

Down to the lake again

Tom the Sweep bringing up Rosemary's rear

Tannery Park offering fine views of the surrounding area

Braving the view

The mud from 16 mile creek washes into the lake

Multi-coloured Lake Ontario

 Leaving the Park and back along the trail

Heading into a snow squall
Landlubbers leaving the shipyard

First Hike Leader

Second Hike Leader complete with snowflakes

Steve & Co, our Dentist members 

At the Queen's Head

Smile Michael

 Happy Leaders

From the response received at the Pub it would appear this hike is a GO for another time. In retrospect the ever-changing weather conditions added drama and contributed to a memorable outing. Thank you to Tom for Sweeping and ensuring no one was blown away and to Germaine for the Count, 24 Boozers rushed into the Pub while 7 members continued to the Station.

From the Pub it was another 1.5 km to reach the GO Station. Tony missed the earlier train by a hair but soon recovered from his displeasure by saluting "Bald Lives Matter"

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